Thursday, April 21, 2011


Last night around midnight I was welcomed home, again, by the aroma of garbage. It seems as though the two trash bags from the other day reproduced. The new bag must have spit up or not understood that trash was supposed to be inside of it, not all over the kitchen. 

[No picture, sorry! But it was quite the site, as you can assume.]

I held my ground.. for a whole 10 minutes. After deciding that, "no, I do not want to feel like throwing up in my own home," I took out the entire family of trash bags that had over-stayed their welcome. Wow, we have a trash can and a floor in that corner of the kitchen! What a difference. And, what?! I can breathe? Such were my thoughts. I was pretty worked up, as you can guess. It's times like those that make me think living out of my car would be a more pleasant experience than student housing. 

But, wait! There's still a mountain of dishes in the sink, on the counter, the kitchen table and on the stove top! How did I make such a mess when, the past week and a half, I've only been home to sleep?! Boy Amanda, you've gone and done it again. Never ceasing to amaze. 

[Nearly an hour later...]

We have a sink, and a counter, AND a stove top! And suddenly our tiny kitchen looks huge! No longer does it look as if the garbage bags barfed, or like the dishes decided it was a good idea to have a mad rage, or as if our kitchen imploded. 

[It is now 1 AM.]

Oh, What? It's finals week and that hour could have been spent studying or, better yet, sleeping!? And here I am, Thursday morning, venting my frustrations when I should be studying for the test I have in a couple hours. 

Have a great day, world.
Do something fun for me.

xoxo. -_-

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