Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A word to the wise...

... taking out the trash does not mean taking the bag out of the can.

I decided last week that I am boycotting my regular, assumed job as janitor/maid, and I am paying some unfortunate consequences.. like the stench that filled my nostrils as I walked into my apartment tonight after being at the boy's place studying for my exams, as well as the hair (not mine) that has been accumulating on the bathroom floor. Yuck. 

Yes, I did say last week. I have not cleaned (aside from the counter tops, my own dishes, and vacuuming my treasured IKEA rug) for a week! This is madness for me. I honestly don't know how much longer I'll last.. I almost gave in and took out the trash just now. Alas, I will endure. 

Also, if you cannot remember the last time you took out the trash, did dishes, swept, touched the vacuum cleaner, etc., please change that soon. It will make the person who has been cleaning up after you for the past several months (or the last three years) VERY happy. Yes, that person will notice, unlike all of the courteous tasks they have been doing for you that have gone unnoticed and unappreciated. 

Such are the joys of living in single-student apartments.

P.S. I especially love when people keep all the lights on even when no one is home and when they remember to lock the door after they come home late when all others are already in bed.

That is all. 

Happy Spring!


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